Welcome to CaraGulati.com!

Hi [fname]!

Welcome to my first newsletter from CaraGulati.com. I admit it, I subscribed almost everyone on my personal contact list, so if you prefer not to receive this, scroll down below and opt out. The rest of you subscribed yourself, and I personally want to thank you!

I decided to create a new website featuring my art work. Some of it is for sale! My plan is to make more and offer them for sale. I love to make beautiful fiberart!

Wrapping Paper Scrolls 4

This is a photo of a small piece I sold at Open Studios this past May. I colored the background blue because this shot was a quickie I took at the show while it was on display.

I also have a blog on the CaraGulati.com website. I've never written one before, but it's fun! I have two posts up and both contain videos from my gallery show in Spain this past March.

Thank you for checking out the new website and reading my newsletter. Derry and Gloria from GloDerworks did a fabulous job on it. I hope you like it!  Feel free to email me and let me know what you think!




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