This dog is learning some new tricks!

The whole world of promoting artwork is changing in the blink of an eye. We have the opportunity to publicize our work ourselves by having websites, blogs and posting to social medias. In my first blog post I posted an unedited video of my gallery show in Spain. My new video takes you up a sweet cobblestone street and walks you though the gallery as if you were actually there with other visitors. This week was my first time to use a video editing program. I learned how to join two videos together and add music. It has a bit of a sudden ending, but I think it’s pretty good for a novice. I know just enough to be dangerous…!

Enjoy! And thank you for visiting my blog.

One Response to “This dog is learning some new tricks!”

  1. Diane says:

    Love the video! I really felt like I was walking through the gallery. Terrific exhibit!

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